Make a Difference

This year, we are asking our church members to go above and beyond in their giving, in a mission we are calling “300 Above.” Our goal is to collect an additional $300,000, to directly support our Compassion Partners and Cooperative Partners, some of which are listed below.

There are a number of ways you can give. You can click the button below to give today (be sure to select 300 Above from the menu so your funds go directly there), you can text to give, or you can bring donations to our Sunday services at 9 and 10:30 AM.

Text to give by texting “give” to 817-592-9064!

Where Your Donations Go

Texas Baptists Cooperative Program

The Texas Baptists Cooperative Program plays a large role in missions, evangelism and ministry throughout Texas and the world.

One such mission is “Beach Reach,” a yearly event where volunteers travel to South Padre Island to spread the Word and help college students find God during Spring Break.

In 2022 alone, Texas Baptists Beach Reach two-week program inspired some 8,200 Gospel conversations, 104 committed decisions for Christ, 54 baptisms and so much more. Texas Baptists also help found new churches through donations. Last year, they founded 52 brand-new churches!

The Gideons International

This organization’s members dedicate their lives to telling people about Jesus and providing Bibles worldwide.
Since its founding, they have distributed more than 1.3 billion Bibles worldwide!

Your donations help do just that.

Common Ground Ministries

Local to Waxahachie, this program provides a structured after-school and summer program to benefit at-risk children in our area, within a safe Christian environment.

Every Christmas, CGM gathers thousands of bikes, scooters, and other toys for children grades K-5 through the “Christmas with Dignity” event, where families can come and purchase these toys for one-third retail price.

Toy donations go directly to CGM for this event to help provide a dignified Christmas to underprivileged families in our area!

Waxahachie CARE

Waxahachie CARE is a non-profit organization that provides food and other assistance to underprivileged families in Ellis County. Every year, donations via First Baptist Waxahachie and others help provide meals to area families in need.

In 2022, Waxahachie CARE distributed over 550,000 pounds of food throughout Ellis County!

First Look

First Look is a safe and nurturing Sexual Health & Pregnancy Center that offers clinic visits, education, and support to men and women regarding sexual health and pregnancy.

Because of gifts from people like you, 780 women who were abortion-minded changed their minds and chose LIFE during the last 5 years. And 118 chose to trust Jesus Christ as their Savior during the past 5 years after hearing the Gospel at FirstLook.

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