Welcome to the Worship Ministry at FBC!

God has truly blessed First Baptist with many talented musicians. Nowhere is that more evident than in our Worship Choir, Orchestra and Contemporary Worship Band. These groups perform in many thrilling productions and uplifting services throughout the year: Christmas and Easter presentations, Patriotic Celebrations, Mission Trips and Special Concerts.

In fact, The First Baptist Church Waxahachie choir has been invited to the 8th Annual Celebrate America 2025 with Guest Artists Sandi Patty and Charles Billingsley!

Classic Worship

Orchestra Rehearses at 6:00 PM on Thursdays in the Worship Center. Choir Rehearsals begin each Wednesday at 6:30 PM in the Music Suite. There is something for every age and talent level, whether it’s quartet, trio, ensembles, or handbells, from tenors to trumpets, our goal is always the same: make a joyful noise to the Lord. 

Contemporary Worship

The contemporary worship team leads our 10:30 AM worship service. Our goal is to foster an environment of praise for our congregation that is not centered around what is happening on stage, but that points straight to Jesus. We lead a wide variety of music ranging from Elevation Worship to Maverick City and invite our church to worship however they feel comfortable.

If you are gifted with the talent in singing or playing an instrument and want to be involved in the contemporary worship ministry, please contact Josiah at josiah@fbcwax.org. The contemporary worship team practices on Wednesday nights at 7:30 in the worship center.

Meet the Worship Ministry Team

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