Join Us!

Celebrate the hope and love we find in Jesus. We offer two unique experiences for the entire family.  At 9am and 10am we will have Classic music with a choir and orchestra.  At 11:15am we will have a band and contemporary experience.  Both services will have an inspiring message of hope from our Pastor, David Ritsema.

Service Times on Sunday Morning

9am Classic/Choir

10am Classic/Choir

11:15am Contemporary/Band

What Is Easter?

Easter is where things begin to make sense.  We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and his free gift of peace with God. We get it, life is difficult, you want to get things correct and we are here to help. We are here to help you and your family connect with Jesus and his unconditional love.


Our Easter Service will last about 45 minutes with inspiring music and teaching from the bible that will apply to your life.

During each service we will have safe and secure child care for birth to pre-K.  The children will be in a safe and secure environment with child care workers who are trained and will teach your child a fun lesson from the bible. We will provide kids notes and activities for elementary age kids in the service.

Come as you are!  There is never a dress code at FBCWax.  There will people in jeans, shorts, dresses and slacks.

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